Nice. I think the slow speed can be justified by precise gliding movements needed to avoid spikes.
Nice. I think the slow speed can be justified by precise gliding movements needed to avoid spikes.
Really nice. Nice aesthetics, music, gameplay. I liked the music collectables. Really good level designs. You could have made use of going back in portals to get to the other side of them for secrets at least.
I like how the cactus has to avoid water, as the biggest threat to house cacti in real life is someone overwatering it (or a cat). Also, by the way, many wild cacti are in danger, being collected in the wild despite being hard to cultivate, so be careful buying cacti.
Next level button should be the rightmost one. Not a fan of the idea of being timed by the same metric for both collecting stuff and not. Have a separate time trial mode without collectables, perhaps with bonus time trial levels for including getting all collectables.
I would say it's based on luck to an unnecessary extent, which makes it frustrating, especially considering the time between runs, including the first hardcoded bit of the tower.
There are exponentially many possible situations so you can't learn to deal with them all, and some situations require you to be too far down the screen to react soon enough. It's inevitable with the completely random enemy placement used.
It is still pretty skill based however, although a lot of it is the player's skill within this one game, which is somewhat discouraging as that skill is wasted.
Music is nice, graphics are nice but I think the colour choices and the character's sprite could be better perhaps.
Loved the art and aesthetic, added a sense of mystery.
Gameplay was well polished, but fairly standard.
Made for a short, pleasing experience.
- Speedrun feature is nice.
- Skip level button could be more obvious, instead being shown in the level. The game's difficulty was alright for me personally, but probably not everyone.
- Graphics could have been more ambitious, maybe the pixel art could be a bit higher res.
- The spikes don't look too much like spikes.
- Could have had collectables, instead of or together with the level skipping.
- Maybe expand on the bird idea. Maybe they unlock flight at some point.
- If they're a crow maybe they collect shiny things, or to keep it morbid perhaps they harvest the souls of other animals or eggs to gain extra lives or checkpoints or something. To be honest, I think it's good you kept it simple.
∀x ∈ Existance (x=Egg)
Very nice.
Lovely game, and it's nice to see you are still out there making games and that flash lives on. Great music, art and sounds that all fit the same style you have developed.
Minor comments:
Level 10 was a bit easy.
There are a few instances of "\n" being shown on the medal descriptions. Looks like they don't support multiple lines.
I'm happy with you reusing your own assets from other games, it means more time spent on what matters and it's not like they look out of place.
EDIT: Regarding the "\n" in the medals, it's the ones in the newgrounds system not in-game. I'm on chrome on windows 10. More importantly the game seems to take a while to load especially today, taking a few minutes. Sidenote incase its useful, the game performed pretty well on these same settings (on an xps 13 dell laptop), but it did lag a couple times with a whole lot on screen. I'm yet to reach the later hard mode levels though!
What OS and browser are you playing on?
I'm not seeing that \n problem anywhere...
It has taken a while to load for me too but it doesn't crash and I'm on chrome.
I do like this game, having played the flash game series Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe quite a bit, but I'm not a fan of the amount of waiting around involved, and the fact that usually there's just one hard bit near the end or middle of a song that you need to practise, which takes like a couple minutes to get round to again. To me, some of the songs could be a bit better but some are catchy like MILF and South. It would probably have been better to have existing songs used instead of making lower quality ones just for this game, or a mix.
I really liked the graphics, even beats 3D stuff in my opinion. Don't know if it's possible to ask for much more for a game like this really, although I wasn't 100% happy with having to wait until the next attempt to try a different strategy and the inability to really predict where trains will be after some time, making it a bit more luck/tedium based than pure skill/logic based.
Joined on 1/30/15